Local Team

| Your Local | Local Team

You elect your executives and representatives, who work with ONA staff to improve your working conditions and maintain your rights in the workplace.

They also link you and your colleagues with broader membership and the Board of Directors, bringing forth your concerns and building a strong province-wide network of support. We show up together. We fight for each other and for those who can’t fight for themselves.

ONA Local 75 Office
393 Rymal Rd. W., Suite 406
Hamilton ON  L9B 1V2
Phone 905-389-3277
Fax 905-389-3071

Executive Team Members

Local Coordinator

Angela Spiler

First Vice Coordinator

Cindy Orlicki

Local Treasurer

Charmaine Brenn

Local Secretary

Monica Speziale

Health and Safety Network Lead

Monica Speziale

Bargaining Unit President

Angela Spiler

Grievance Committee
Angela Spiler
Cindy Orlicki
pher Walker

John Principato
Amy Marshall

Negotiations Committee
Donna Bain (Chair)
Angela Spiler
Angela Preocanin
Monica Speziale
Pat O’Neill
Cindy Orlicki
Christopher Walker
Sherri Ludlow

Occupational Health & Safety
Monica Speziale (Charlton Campus)
Amy Marshall (Charlton Campus)
Patricia O’Neill  (Alternate)
Derek Stokke (West 5th Campus)
Christopher Walker (West 5th Campus)
Andrew Marlowe (Alternate)
Lois Sommers (King Campus)
Angela Preocanin (Alternate)

Scheduling Committee
Donna Bain
Angela Spiler
Pat O’Neill
Angela Preocanin

Hospital Association Committee
Angela Spiler (Chair)
Donna Bain
Cindy Orlicki
Bojana Vucenic
Pat O’Neill
Monica Speziale
Angela Precocanin

Christopher Walker
Sherri Ludlow
John Principato

Orientation Committee
Cindy Orlicki
John Principato
Pat O’Neill

Work Accommodation
Pat O’Neill
Donna Bain
Christopher Walker
Angela Preocanin
John Principato

Labour Transition
Donna Bain
Angela Spiler
Angela Preocanin

Human Rights and Equity
Cindy Orlicki
Donna Bain

Are you interested in joining our team?

Contact your Bargaining Unit President to learn more about open positions and opportunities to get involved.

Contact your Bargaining Unit President

If you have a labour relations issue, have recently started a new job but have not signed up through your union representative, or have questions/concerns about your contract or working conditions, please contact your Bargaining Unit President (BUP).

Two nurses standing in a hospital hallway

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